Sunday, November 20, 2011

I see from another dimension

no longer with eyes
but with knowing
around all but touching nothing
what is real is not in the room
but in Universal and hidden forces
the physical is a symbolic manifestation of these
the collapsing of forces resisting and
surrendering to the moment where
consciously an opening is held and
the Sustainer enters, as a cleanup
an organizer, universal administrator
bringing order to the tiny energies
in the room. Its like gravity trying
to influence the small electrical forces
in the atoms and molecules.
Using a giant sledge hammer to swat flies
no wonder the work is so exacting
How to focus the Universal into the
microcosm of the immediate physical
I am just starting to become consciously
aware, actually seeing the forces coming
into the room. Ive always had a knowing
sense, like a meter that measures radiation
from low to high
but not the sensitive instrument that can
discriminate what types and sources of
energies.the guesswork is now becoming calculated
and measured and the frantic small sharp energies
from the encapsulated entities is very disturbing.
I seek shelter as my new vulnerability
is assailed again and again.
peoples, individuals, their unconscious postures
and intentions like flashing neon signs\
and their childish reactions to anything that
might challenge their unconsciousness or
threaten their sense of inflated self importance
is punishing. I can see where compassion
is beyond essential as it is all that
keeps one in the room.
Right now I only want the empty room
and the light bulb for company as I discover
who this being is and what he knows.
lately i feel continuously connected.
the regimen of meditating at night and only
2 hours of laying down has somehow broken
through the dimensional barrier and allows
the channel to be made more stable.
I never feel tired and have great stamina
for the work, I feel my preparations made before
have been of great help in the transition.
the diet the exercise, little sleep, conscious behavior,
taking responsibility. now all are supporting the last
stages of the release of self imposed limitations.
Now the limitations of the higher nature can be
grasped and dealt with, for its those ideas of what
is beyond the physical that have unconsciously shaped
my resistances remaining to the true opening of
whatever is coming. No amount of preparation
can help with what can only be experienced once
the gate is passed and the superconscient light
fills the awareness.Then you realize that what
is coming is beyond dreaming. and there is a
code of integration to the new forces and energies
that exist as truly as bodies inhabit the world below.
and these too are just places and personalities of higher
dimensions and certainly not destinations for the soul.
I feel as a drifting red balloon motivated by
unseen winds to move along observe and touch lightly,
but never hover, never stop moving and always the
light from above beckons, entreating me to find its
truest path and follow it to the source. I feel the
childlike wonderment of the Ancient Soul born
memoryless into paradise and experiencingng  all as
new and filled with unlimited possibilities. Nothing in
any egoic life could ever equal this untroubled joy and delight.
all universes are playthings and all gods are children.
And there is no end to the universal Love and Bliss
that flows through each and every amazing inexplicable
miraculous instant of awareness.
As I experience this the Bliss connects me to the Ananda
that flows through each particle and dimension of existence.
For all is Bliss and in that moment of connection all is
One Blissful Being, completely fulfilled and filled with knowing.
there is no end to what has no beginning
All is that One completeness where every experience
and All Knowing and Absolute Awareness converge
and spring eternal from the unmanifested Source and
collapse into Eternal Ecstacy.
Some unknown path goes beyond even this but
here i drink, thirsty from my billions of years of being
in the unending manifesting of finite form and here I will
remain for what will surely seem like Forever!

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