Tuesday, November 22, 2011

the flaw in reality

is credibility. the evaporative sense that nothing is real, dissolves everything. You are driving. Everything is as it should be, motor running, freeway clear, lights on. Suddenly nothing is familiar, you dont know where you are, all landmarks gone. Panic, unease, anxiety, fear pounces on your previously sane self.
As if you already prepared to deal with this. Its high on your internal safety checklist, Reality Slippage - emergency response team Code Red!
Stop the slipping - sand bags filled with reassurances, pattern recognition, visual referencing, but something inside is hearing the Twilight Zone theme song. suddenly Alien Abductions, cow mutilations The matrix all seem tame by comparison.
In seconds its over. The spinning stops, that feeling of falling through the scenery, but thats just the truth of reality - we just inhabit this sensory world. We habituate our mind to interpret sensations in a pattern of organization. We prioritize the sequencing so our mind can fill in the pattern, we see an outline and fill in the details. It doesnt take much, a shadow, a blur becomes a threat or an old friend you havent thought about in ages, then disappears into a crowd of objects and unfamiliar faces.
What is real? What do we think when we see something that doesnt fit our programming, our memories. Its rejected, its dangerous, it becomes a gun or a knife in the hand, a plane crashing into a building. It becomes something else. All are programmed responses to protect our concept of reality.
But nothing is real. The world exists separate from our experiences of it. We have only our five senses to capture the reflections the outlines of what is beyond us.What the senses experience isn't Real, its a learned response to stimuli from an unknown source.when we start to talk about a 6th sense, some kind of unfelt connection to the outer world, we all start thinking about death, and whats real about that? Why do we make death so unreal. Its not part of the sensory experience, its the opposite, the end of responses.Its not explained, like dreams and the lovely nightmares we wake up screaming from. And then the madness of the visionaries and the subtlest coincidences of everyday life create unnerving anxiety.picture red shoes in a crowd of children and a marionette show at the park after dark. Who can say why or when but each of us has a totally different picture of what that incomplete description is.
we remember something similar,a picture seen in grammar school, we make assumptions based on past experiences. we are looking at a group of people, some familiar some not.our reactions vary our idea of whats going on is completely different from another person right next to us. we are never actually present with what is really going on in the moment, we are searching for clues and matching them to our memories and feelings stored deep in the unconscious.
Missing whats Real, or passes for Real while we create some personal inner drama, some hidden version of what we think is real, what we think of what we experienced.
Is it Real or is it Memory? its memory. there is no real, just organized habituated responses based on memorized pattern behavior. Sensory manipulation and expectation. Even with Hyper-Vigilance we really cant imagine what is going on from moment to moment.
You are engrossed in a task, maybe cooking. Someone enters the room silently behind you, moves things, then leaves. you turn around and everything is wrong. Your mind stops, trying to process the impossible truth. Things have moved themselves. Your upset, threatened, confused, doubting yourself. Anything except able to fit what happened into your pattern expectation. Losing something, your keys, the remote, your precious wallet or purse. Everything goes into panic mode. No memories found, or the unbelievable wrong memory, its not where you left it you think. Impossible, does not compute, but you were there when it happened and now its gone. Your losing it! An explanation is required but none can be given, Even aliens or invisible elves are acceptable if you can shoe horn them into your belief system.
Nothing is Real. the world is made up of reflected electrical impulses in your brain. What you experience is a kind of deluded madness of uninterrupted dreaming, a sensory bath filled with unaltered states.
After a while the brain begins to get tired, wears out, the patterns fade and finally it all stops. You go to sleep, rest in a less demanding state of internal creation, not having to organize unending sensory signals for a few hours. But the dreams come from the same place and without any of the landmarks of the senses.then you wake to the bath of sensations and stimuli, back to the work endlessly repeating, until it does end completely, the machine breaks or wears out and there is nothing, until a new machine is assigned...TO WHO?
who gets the assignment, what personality remains when the computer is turned off? what pulse of existence holds the pattern of who we were and what we did. somewhere on some distant server a few highlights might have been recorded, but now its a new computer, new software, new language, new life new pattern recognition startup program. You are gone, revitalized as a new awareness in the machine but without memories. you are Random Access Memory. when the power goes off, you are lost forever. but the connection that flows to each computer, each machine, each with its own inhabitant, that continues forever, follow it to its source, feel the emanations from the other machines, in your world, thats the only enduring reality, the connection, the all pervading bandwidth that carries unending streams of life giving information and energy, that has no windows no senses just the ultimate knowledge and power for all your repeating realities.
Find the source in you, before the lights go out.

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