Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Colorado, what can I say

Being here is like being anywhere, just different furniture and appliances. I guess the terrain is variable, all flat in three directions, the Rockies in the other. All towns and cities are the same. Enclaves of the dispossessed, the seekers of security, the believers of the dream of separate self. Anthills of endless activity. Interactions of millions of worried minds, trying to distract themselves, some very effectively, others not so much.
The reality is the emptiness of the center, that false sense of self, what am i, who am i, why am i???
That is what is always trying to be covered up, but no matter what you put over it, the hole in the center remains. In fact in most cases, it gets bigger as time goes on and requires more and more to keep it hidden, to cover up the questioning voice and widening hole.
But this personal black hole wont stay covered, it keeps eating whats on top of it and wont stop growing until it devours everything you have tried to stop it with. What you are covering up is the truth of who you are. Its not that guy trying to cover up the truth, that ego guy doing everything except what needs to be done. Investigating the hole at the middle of everything you thought you were. because its all useless, until you experience the truth of what you are. Nothing means anything until you know this. Its what makes everything clear, the horizon that separates night from day. The one thing that isn't outside of you, that is always there and guides unerringly the true voyage of your life. Not all the outside distractions from the mass of misguided egos that surround you now, that sense that you dont know, cant pretend anymore, dont feel it, go in ten directions at once, listening to a bunch of different voices in your head, cant tell whats right. all hole avoidance. That hole may look empty, but its really the Source of who you are. Its not the stuff, the result, the thoughts, words feelings. Its the true source from which all authentic self flows. Thats the you that you have always been, but have been covering up.The one the body was connected to at birth, that knew how to grow you and learn you. The same one you grew up with, that always knew you. The one that the parents, teachers, job, life responsibilties took away. The one thats not attached to any of that. The real you, without all the baggage added.
Uncover the hole and say Hi! Its been a long time and I'm sure you have a lot to talk about with yourself.

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