Monday, November 21, 2011

Hidden Acceptance

There is a huge area of acceptance that can release the highest attachment, acceptance and aspiration. That which is trapped in us, that which comes from thinking part of ourselves is Bad or Hidden or wrong or evil. also prevents us from experiencing our Good or openness, our Right, our pure truth.
in this world, especially the western world, we are children playing until one day we experience the physical ananda of orgasm, of sex, of self pleasure. Then we are taught that it is bad or wrong. But we cannot resist it. so we take our truth of experiencing ananda in the physical and separate it from our social self, our personality splits.we begin to alienate our true nature from ourselves.for some this becomes a doorway of Forbidden delight that is constantly buried in shame and fear and regret. Instead of embracing our ability to descend into the deepest physical ananda without regard for social consequences or physical harm,we isolate and hide that part of ourselves. but this same descent into the low physical nature and its discovery of ananda experience, is the very engine that allows, even drives, the equal ascent to the highest vital, mental and psychic/spiritual anandas.
the rule of the dualistic nature of the universe is that we can only ascend as high as we can descend.what experience we have to be "bad" creates that same potential for "good". What experience we have in the physical creates the potential to experience on all levels of energetic manifestation.
if through this sense of shameful action we take on physical illness,that ananda of illness in the body, for all is pure bliss of satchitananda, creates the potential for experiencing its highest dualistic aspect, purity of spirit, thought and action. All ability to experience ananda stems from the original natural physical manifestation that is programmed into the human system.If this is repressed, cut off from the rest of the system, it stagnates or finds a distorted release into the system. When this happens, when we bury the "Bad" experiences,and deny the truth of this dualistic reality and stop all progress. for as long as we "bury" the experience, the true experience of physical ananda, wherever it comes from, we deny ourselves the same experience at all levels and at the exact highest opposite reality

addiction to freedom
illness to health
distorted to aligned
shame to acceptance
fear to openness

by denying the dark side we also deny the light, the truth, the highest potential for spiritual growth.
The every action to descend is also the ability to ascend, as long as your true nature remains whole and not divided against itself.
I knew an alcoholic, chugging quarts of gin, vodka anything addict, lost everything, family, home respect, totally broken, finally found a way to recover. One day he tried meditation to help relax, stop the craving. he would sit in his bathroom on the rug. Almost immediately he started experiencing powerful descending energies. He had never denied that part of him that had descended he had remained whole, so after having experienced that lowest extreme of ananda in his system, he was able to ascend. his physical nature had the experience to take him quickly to the highest energetic ananda.

Admit that which is hidden or separate, confess what was BAD or unclean or dirty that you could not accept in yourself, that which you had to do because the ananda was so irresistible, but wrong.Feel the actual true pleasure of what you experienced, that wrongness that felt so right, that thing that compulsion, that had to be buried and denied. Then that Ocean of ananda, the denied experience of all the truth locked up in that tomb of shame and regret, will flow swiftly through your system and unlock the highest energy centers.

where you buried yourself will grow a garden of delights
where there was;

Lies now Truth will blossom
Fear now Joy will grow
Anger now Peace will sprout
pretense now honesty will flourish
denial now Acceptance
Resistance now Surrender
Self Hate now Self Love

in this dualistic universe this is the way it works. the descent prepares us for the ascent. As below so Above. In puberty we naturally go into sex. If this si denied then it becomes perverted into denial/anger/fear/self torment/any kind of release as the body hungers for the ananda it knows is its due, a purely biological response to the rise of life energy in the human system.
Until these segregated sub-selves are accepted and loved, the process cannot move to the higher energy centers. Everything is trapped in those early opening lower chakras and never released to move through to the higher.the energy does not flow to the other centers of the system and the energy stagnates.
For some the denial may have come later, in Relationships, habits, addictions or compulsions that were hidden or denied in order to fit into their own, society's or family belief systems. It is in seeing these beliefs for what they are - lies, untruths for the energy of the system - that allow ourselves to accept the things we feared to admit. Once accpted the system can come into alignment with all its highest and lowest components throughout all the chakras, from the bottom to the top. Then the energy will flow, the experience come, the awareness expands. Then you will see where all your beliefs have stopped the flow of your natural energy and you will then forgive yourself for the years of holding your self down and finally Let those stifling beliefs Go!

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