Tuesday, November 22, 2011

dualism, the truth

of something has to include its dualistic counterpart. The truth of being wet is you have to be dry to experience it. The truth of life is you have to die in order to experience it. lose it all to gain it all.
what is existence without nothing? How can we know nothing? experience that emptiness, void, loss, lack.
We perceive we have a body, an experiential knowing, but without that what do we experience or know? Its not nothing, but something missing, anxiety, fear. Who experiences that?
the nature of self, ego is organization, identification and prioritization. Its a great secretary.with out her we are just a collection of sensations, disorganized, lost and meaningless. when sensations end, then what?
Falling, endlessly through empty space without any reference points. eventually the sensation of falling ends and there is just a pool of undifferentiated emptiness.
nothing emerges, unidentified unknowing, that is the truth of existence, the nothing that makes all so real.So much for the dualistic nature of existence.
Beyond Dualism  beyond the referencing/non identification and resistance/falling paradigms of existence
all paradox of existence/non-being is let go
non referencing awareness is both and none
All knowing and knowing Nothing
In the middle of the dualistic empire
the supreme idiot that knows all
and cares about none of it
All knowledge is useless without Knowing Nothing
All truth is false realised
what persists beyond knowing is unknowable
what we are doesn't exist until we aren't

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