Monday, January 30, 2012

whatever the painstaking process

, however long it takes, there is an infinitude of endurance and time, what one man accomplishes all men share at the level of the being that is like the dog consciousness, the one communal shared awareness of all. as long as man remains human he is immersed in this shared existence, what happens for the one is felt by all. when one man transcends the communal and enters the universal, the sharing is expanded for all, they cannot enter the universal but in each being, the seed of the universal is nourished and is thus spread throughout the communal existence. if such a one returns into the human form as the universal force, then the communal is shifted and that powerful density is forever lightened and opened to possibilities previously unthought. such an occurrence is a rarity for what purpose does a universal being have in the finite form of the usually comes from the need of the forces controlling the existence for the force to allow an evolution to preserve its ability to be. at this time there are a few such avatars and the work they are doing is proof of the coming end of the physical creation unless there is serious and radical change in the collective consciousness of the planetary inhabitants. all men suffer what all men do and beyond that all will be uplifted if the work of the avatars is completed in time. but it is a race, the human race to become the next level of being, the transition from individual finite mind, to connected linked finite being, aware of its own potential to embrace the universal energies and direction necessary for the survival of the unique arrangement between spirit and bodies that exist nowhere but on this rock in space. let the universal seep inside you and live each moment as the realization of your relationship with the forces that sustain not just this earth but the entire cosmos.

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