Tuesday, January 24, 2012

sometimes i forget how arrogant i am

i sit in judgement of others or just feel superior or better. but its my issue not anyone elses. i create this artificial barrier, i guess i am afraid of being like everyone else. or specifically my brother who i am finding especially difficult to endure during his evening talks. his incessant definitions and delineations of spiritual practices and attainments and the ranking system for them all.to me its the opposite of how my path evolved, from  following an inward knowing, selecting what was most suitable for my system from the choices i had, and letting the experience teach me, not questioning the rightness or effectiveness but rather feeling the depth of my own commitment and questioning my own resolve. in the process all the things he talks about happened without anyone explaining them or preparing me for them. the light was what i followed and wherever i felt its radiance i ran to it. love and heart were my indicators, was there more love or less, more truth in my heart and that led me better than any spiritual GPS.sure i read all the books and thought more than became at times, but my system kept responding wherever i put it to work. Ammachi, Clairvoyant Training, chanting, meditation, energy work and love above all. Then the truth appeared in front of me, as undeniable as the sun, and i became that with the truth, the being became me and i that and we shared the instant of infinity that has never ended. after 8 years of abeyance waiting, dying, letting everything fade, i returned through my brothers energy to that state and to the next levels to reintegrate what was already there, already true, and now i feel it is done and ive gone beyond what he can help me with. I dont want to feel like i am better but there is something different in store for me, his path has ended in my system and i need to reconnect to mine. this is the end of it. Much love brother and Thank you for all your loving help. I am sure all the souls coming to you will get what i got, their own true selves revealed.

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