Sunday, January 22, 2012

i am tested everyday

 to find myself in a new depth of love, in walking, driving, meditating, eating, looking at the world, and every being i am in it. what could be more divine than this life, this one i have created and now am so blissfully fulfilled with. each test is can i find more love more joy more peace and bliss and ananda as i take another breath and feel the world inside me, and let out and fill the world with me.what love is there but my own love and in everything that i am.i create this and it is, i move and everything comes following shifting, enveloping until there is no sense of self but everything is that which i am. with a few strokes i create a masterpiece, set it before me and i am that and it becomes all that i experience,one world evolves and the other integrates into the next. to drink my morning cup and eat my simple cereal and fruit i surrender to unbelievable bliss and satisfaction. there is only the supreme in everything i taste and see and feel and hold and each instant of contact is ecstasy. what is there but loves sweet surrender to this joy and freshening freedom, expanding beyond the understanding, the knowing, the experiencing beyond manifest or emptiness, i am all beyond that beyond anything and nothing, where being is and is not. that unknown evolutionary force creates and destroys all in the birth of what is not and what is becoming. all that and there are no ways of holding what cannot exist yet must, even as we are the miracle, it is the source and creation of what can only be called the newness, the unexisting beingness regenerating force that drives what we cannot realize, where man becomes god so god becomes that which is still to be yet having said that i know it is the thought that creates and having done it is become.

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