Tuesday, January 31, 2012

just tell me what is your fear

just tell me what is your fear and what is your joy
life is what happens in between those poles
-wow, my fear is failure my joy is loving
-I guess.
once you go beyond fear, then you move automatically to joy
there is no failure to be
all is love for you
-yes, I am moving that way but slowly
and the truth of who you are is whatever you are willing to let go of
once you let go and it has no power over you, then you become what is within and always waiting
there is no death, and all you think of as yourself is but the dream you must awaken from
so wake up before death awakens you in this life and end the tyranny of the ego
It is a dream
-I feel like I am almost ready to wake
be free, i will set the alarm for NOW
its only in the moment of realization that you can do this, there is no planning or reconsidering the past
a moments work and it is done
-time is a funny thing, I think the ego uses time as a type of weapon to keep us afraid of our past failures
-so we focus on the future not the now
it is all past and future, the ego has no now
as soon as you go into the present, the ego disappears
then the being emerges
where you exist is a fantasy created to preserve the victory of the ego
all the factors of modern life only satisfy the cravings, not the cause
the cause is the sense of no-self or false self
the inauthentic nature of the ego
once we face this truth, that we dont exist, then most of our fears become meaningless
yet what meaning is there without a self, an individual self, the being becomes the universal and all meaning is there
-I am on the path but I think it is the longer road, I think my soul is not as mature as yours
your soul hungers for something it can believe in, a truth that is in the heart and will be the purest love
your nature is peace and harmony and needs to be nurtured not punished
with pure love, your system will shift in months not years
-I believe that
it is the maturity of the discrimination that is needed to take the right action even when its not clear or obscured
the soul is ever ready and needs no time
once you take the action, everything will fall into place
the action is to realize your dejection and find the aspiration to do what you want to do but have been avoiding
the family, work, self indulgence, entertainment etc etc all act as obscuring forces to the obvious and self evident truth of the spiritual nature
where you are is in the mass of men that are dejected and have no sense of what to do, so they take on more and more in their material world to try to avoid the silence that attracts them
for in the silence is the end of the self, the end of pleasure , the end of getting what you want from objects in the world
they become weak sources of satisfaction and the inner self despairs of having the possibility of coming forth
that is dejection
but there is no despair for you
for you have two of the greatest beings that love you
as soon as you come to us
her force in the last month, has gone nuclear
her strength has become the divine force and all who are near her are lost
to this world and their false sense of self
they see the truth the pure love that cannot be resisted and threalization of what they lack collapse with the
and they collapse with the realization of what they lack and what is in themselves that cannot accept or return such unconditional love.
this begins a process of letting go of all the blocks and barriers to this pure light
she is the light for us all
but do not despair of me, the love for you is here and is the connection we will always have
my own path is the light of love and truth, the knowledge of love and truth and the relationship and forces that create and destroy them in our existence
this is what is come to me and is being expressed continuously with my awakening
your heart has no choice but to hear
beyond love, we are one
in love we are inseparable lightness and darkness
forever finding mystery in the other
there is no possibility of love failing
it is what holds the one
and the one cannot be anything except the other loving itself through the one
where are we in all this?
obviously, we are the other
the only component that is ever not the one
and through us we know we are the one deluded by the ego
the one is the beloved, and we the lover, seeking the beloved in everything, trying to possess that which we are
once you see the beloved face in your own, you are done
who are you, but that which i am, connected eternally to the infinite being
all life as we experience it is a reflection of that
look away from the reflection and see the source of the light
we live as children, never giving up toys and desires, but these become joyless as we grow old, surrender that which is your poison and drink the nectar that flows like honey from your own heart
this never ends so i just at some point have to stop

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