Wednesday, February 1, 2012

its not writing i do

, its expounding and believing and feeling and meeting the truth and letting it just go  and see whats left. i question and compare exalt and decline, theres nothing i leave out except some language no one wants to hear. sometimes i change the names to protect the guilty. writing fills the time when i am not chatting with the only being on the planet that is indispensable. The Age of Love is come, begun this year 2012 and extending through the end of the next century. Then the Age of Divine will end the tyranny of the ego-mind forever. The heart and soul together reign supreme and all thought banished from the minds of men. Its not that thought is wrong, its just a poor substitute for the realization of the inner being that is perfectly connected to the universal soul of light, and that connection provides all and has all thoughts, it is the well of knowledge from which all thought derives, and that will think without our need. one will merely ask the question and the answer will be there for everyone. all devices now used to connect everyone will become archaic curios as the children communicate through the psychic, even as the parents are learning the ways of love. all connection all understanding of the oneness of existence. where before we looked outside of ourselves for a cause for our reactions, now the truth will naturally be found within the shell of the tiny self as we make room for the finite being within. love is come to free the world from its own fear, that there is no reality because who we are is false and everything we have created from that false self is tainted with its lack and loss and shortcomings. What it creates is fear and builds empires to hide behind. the real strength is to let the fear come and face it and watch the false self die, then the being emerges unscathed and authentic, then the life divine can become. we are all saving ourselves by saying No More Fear.

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