Tuesday, February 7, 2012

i sit in my room atop

 my bed deep in the energy that flows from spiritual connection, the grace of shiva and love. it rivets me to the pillows, and i feel the weight and force through my crown chakra. there is no other feeling more satisfying. it becomes my entire awareness and experience. the flow of pure connection from the divine through me. i do not walk, think talk, all is forgotten in this.I contemplate that which connects me to the divine, the awareness and love the complete surrender i am feeling, the work, money, family home all are things so distant i care nothing what happens with them. its like a dream i wake from and they are the wisps of the memories of last nights wanderings.Now in the instant of grace, all else is banished and the world is focused behind the closed eyes beneath the focused intellect and above the open heart. i see the universe of energy with my eyes closed, the upper chakras open, the 4th expanding to touch the entire universe, connecting to love, the 5th the seat of the intelligence, silent waiting for the signal, the 6th the psychic, perceiving a world of astral beings and their strict adherence to spiritual principles and actions. The 7th receives the grace connecting to the divine intent and manifestation in the higher planes, the causal realm of creation and forces that cannot be imagined only experienced outside the body. i am that experience and while i sit, i am no longer in the flesh but rather in the astral body, easily moving into alignment with the divine manifestation of light and grace.

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