Saturday, February 18, 2012

find the beginning of desire

 and you will find its end. the source of wanting, the longing, the need, the lack and loss all are the ego knowing its own limited nature, the true source of which is the eternal, immeasurable being that inhabits all. in the act of self awareness the self must desire to be aware, to know itself, beyond its limitations and needs. that desire, the one of the self to be the Self, becomes everything in all things, to be, to live, to know, to experience is the being awakened, and in finding that, one is released forever from the cycle of desire and frustration, anger and self doubt. the truth as man knows it is faulty, the world is not ephemeral or without a heart. all things collaborate to bring everything alive, for the pleasure of the inner Self, the matchless creator and enjoyer. we bring our offerings, small and large, and before that, there is no difference all are the makings of mans imagination, the unlimited nature of the mind to imagine anything and everything and bring to the Supreme our greatest gift, our self, and offer that fully and with every possibility explored and manifested. to know what limits us and what frees the heart to let the soul become the vehicle of our life,  lived only for the divine truth of Union and Oneness and Love. Where ever the Being rests all is a garden and unending delight, where the children of the Being are free to create everything and destroy all that is for the hope, the dream, the possibility, of being the One True Being in all.

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