Sunday, April 27, 2014

the concept of self elimination

the concept of self elimination through perfect resolution is the force of the universe creating, then experiencing and finally in the same complete motion eliminating itself. in my last blog I discussed the concept of the empty tube, the billions of points of manifesting force flowing into the universe and from the same tubes, the experience of that manifestation being returned to the source to be used as the blueprint for the recycling of the force to again be sent through to manifest. likewise the universe is not dependent on these tubes for the creation and maintenance of the universe, but each tube has the power to create and destroy its own focus, its own experience and then  as one of the billions of reporters embedded in this creation, it sends its experiences home, and these become integrated into the next wave of consciousness that flows through the universe, affecting everything and individually validating the experiences of every point of manifestation. in the perfect universe, one without billions of tiny warpages and distorters affecting the flow, the universe is one complete wave of perfect light sound size and shape, it flows to its ultimate peak then returns in its perfect reflection, nulling out each wave as sign and cosign collide and become nothing. thus is the universe in  one motion resolving perfectly and then de-resolving itself perfectly, but in the process there is no sense of possibility or unknown quantity, a factor of free will or uncommon sense is needed to allow the diffraction of the light from its perfect state to its component multiplicities, thus is introduced the prism of the experiencer, the self aware component of existence, the self, aware of itself, discovering what that means as the self unravels and becomes the unknowable self that is imperfectly perfecting the process of manifestation and causal feedback and redefinition of  being, even as the perfect flow is unimpeded yet its reflection becomes a mass of unperfected points unresolved in the process of returning and de-resolving itself, so the waters muddied and in a tempest of confusion, breaks down further and further the perfected universal waves into unending diffractions and re-diffractions of unresolvable equations. thus life continues unabated and every redirected sensation of the individual self returned to the universal self, becomes more and more the expansion of the universal manifestation during the state between resolution and de-resolution. likewise then individual point can clear its own experience of distortions and allow the same flow out that is returned to the source and in that perfect scenario, eliminate the sense of separate self and become one with the flow itself. thus is the sense of perfect resolution the path to self elimination and becoming one with the flow.

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