Wednesday, April 30, 2014

the awakening soul flourishes

the awakening soul flourishes in the bed of unconsciousness, where the mind has no control. here the first light of the day is unlimited by the rotation of spheres and the Newtonian aspects of celestial mechanics, rather the uncertainty principle is the natural course of direction and location. what choice is there when there is no choice, when everything is predetermined, and on one level everything is. the simple state of being implies that there is a place and a time to exist, but what is the determining action, is it the doing, the foot forward, the eyes opening, the hand outstretched to shade the brilliant light? or is it the locus of consciousness itself that determines the entire state of the physical universe that is about to be experienced? as the self clicks into being, what is left behind, what field of non being uncentered, unknown, is covered over with a single sensation, to be. for here is where all human history begins, somewhere in the I am, or the to being, to no longer be a single celled amoeba but rather a particular multicellular construct working in a organized and synchronized fashion that is completely absent from the experience of being, which is mostly located in the forebrain. the conscious mind entrains the experience of living as a series of loosely connected sensations that are predetermined by the expected range of electrical impulses sent from the sensors of the physical body. likewise there are  the unregistered fluctuations of nonsequential input that is generated from some unconscious side of the system that is reacting to the impulses of other energy systems interacting with the multiple layers of energetic life forces interlocking into a single cohesive ball we call the aura of the physical body, but is better described as the locus of the multi arrayed living organism that acts as the self awareness of the universal force that is both creating the energy to power the continuation of all things and experiencing the existence and non existence of every form that is created. in the midst of this controlled chaos, the consciousness that has evolved to become this universal creation is located both singly as the entire universe as a being of supreme cohesion and disruption existing at a level of tremendous unification and merger of all things as the highest order of organization that is beyond comprehension to the human mind, and at the same time, uniquely conscious as each component of the self aware being at all orders of organization and multi layered comprehension that comes with the evolving consciousness that inhabits each layer.  and in the mix of the knowable at the order of cohesion that is the human experience, we choose this life of the mud daubing insect rooted to the surface of a small ball of decayed matter and stony star ejecta where what we create is various forms of self replication through the external matter available. as the consciousness evolves slowly very slowly, it sees the patterns of the universe easily traced both in the micro sphere and the macro sphere of organization surrounding it, both in the star fields at night and in the patterns of the light shining through leaves on the trees, even within the shape of the patterns of thought in the mind are the unknown secrets of levels of organization of consciousness existing in orders of magnitude that the conscious mind cannot contain. letting go the limitations of the mind is the doorway to the universal principles and the flow and freedom of the merger of the conscious self with the unknowable  selves of increasingly higher orders of comprehension that are yet unavailable to the human experience.

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