Sunday, March 24, 2013

your heart gives life

your heart gives life, never stopping, never pausing, eternally cycling the life giving blood through the lungs to capture the breath. air and blood, the mixture of eternal life, the fluid that carries the oxygen to the body, captures the waste of the cells and is cleaned with the movement through the organs, the delicate cycle that maintains the physical being. without it life is not possible. so too is the aspiration of seeker, the force that pulls the undying self within, to find love and truth wherever it might be. aspiration carries the grace of the Mother from the union of the Divine with the spiritual heart, called Love. Love is the oxygen of devotion, it fills the heart with untold possibility and permeates every barrier with flexibility and freedom. the broken find healing, the impatient find stillness, the unmotivated find purpose, the aged find youth and the young find wisdom. what was not possible becomes easy and what could not be done is miraculously accomplished. The seeker becomes the finder of every hearts desire and lets go of need and despair. when everything is given there is no more want or separation. to have is to share and without thinking love is everywhere, fulfilling your life and touching all those around you. what matter the outcome of the action, when done with love there is only more love created. we cannot see the future or even guess what happened before, we exist in a bubble called now, everything is here and experienced in this moment, all else is faulty memory and conjecture. the construct of the mind in the human that tries to control the now becomes the plaque in the arteries of love, constricting and blocking the flow. it fills the now with the illusion of the not now, and creates turmoil and anxiety. everything is now, and to imagine that its not is to be living in delusion, dreaming with eyes open, seeing and hearing and feeling imagined events. it is only the memory that creates untruth, and projects it on the now. creating what is mistakenly called the future. while in this delusion, there is no possibility of experiencing truth, love or peace. only the half truth and anxious worry of control based thinking. let go the mind, let go the controlling nature, for the Divine Unmanifest is already preparing everything for you, just as it has since existence began and you were already conceived. for everything is accomplished in the now eternally, every microscopic bit of existence from the beginning to the end is in play and is done now. who you are and all you experience is the manifestation of the Divine's now, the eternal and infinite moment that forms everything as it will be even as it is created.your life is a flash of a mirror in the sun, the universe a grand instant of conception that gives birth and dies even as it is expressed. you have no way to change the flow or pattern except to accept and surrender to the divine power that creates and destroys all even as it savors the fullness of the progression and dissolution in its infinitely minute detail. you are the brush on the canvas, dipped in a mixture of colors and set into a mosaic beyond comprehension, enjoy the stroke that is you and live with the love of the hand holding you and using your uniqueness to enhance her design.

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