Tuesday, March 5, 2013

there is no love greater

there is no love greater than this divine fire burning the emptiness, the darkness and turning my life to the fullness of truth and her love. wherever love blossoms life thrives, grows, replenishes, the divine enters that moment and all things become hers, supreme and attractive, complete and fulfilled. the lower nature is raised up, the higher nature expands and envelopes the senses with the flowers of surrender and gratitude, humility of presence and aspiration only to serve and feel this supernal being that brings unbearable joy and light into every heart around. timelessness pervades all, mindfulness is emptied and every heart swells with this beacon of purity and sincerity, the room fills with her presence only and all eyes become hers staring into the depths of who is really there, each the soul of her soul and each filled with perfect silence, surrounded in her world speaking the heart and the soul as only a child could know, without pretense, without desire, without separation from anyone there. empty, filled, both uplifted and lifting up each one, as if none could be more but each can take an oar and help to bring this boat to shore. what great sacrifice is before us and already the world cannot bear to wait another instant for this magic to unfold, the love is growing and expanding from each to the other and from all to everyone they touch. bring life, bring love bring all hearts to this altar so they too can be surrendered and devoted to the work of unending fullness and purpose from her lips to the ears of every being working through the divine awakening, bring aliveness and love everywhere and without thought of what will happen but her will be performed and every chance is taken where perfection can be manifest and all heart shaken awake that this life is here and each shares her divine awareness and being. none can know the true nature that lies within without her hand to guide and help forward, the laughing smile, the knowing eyes, the trusting heart will shine through every difficulty and none will remain behind.

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