Tuesday, March 12, 2013

what time have any of us

what time have any of us, where is there time and what is it made of. the experiences are unmistakable, the emptying of the self, the emptiness at the core of what is there. the space of time is endless and has no meaning but to accompany the form in its dance. for what we see as solid and real is but the field of potential reacting to consciousness, becoming an instant of positioning, in the universal. all exists simultaneously in every aspect and state, unmatched and in conspicuous disarray, it is the software of the mind that imposes the design of spatial and chronological orders.what is life, the discovery of the pattern in the the formless potential of being, seeing a beginning middle and end where there is nothing but energy, beyond pattern or form. what is now but the touching of that potential and bringing it into being. we are the blueprint of creation, we wield the magic of consciousness to shape the energy into what we experience. from the shapeless comes all form and desire is the mould, what we desire becomes and becomes and we become that just as it becomes what we fill our consciousness with. but at the same time consciousness is implanting these desires within. the universe is in the expansion mode, there was a tremendous release of energy after the last contraction, creating all the universe in this fashion, we are the potential made realized, this universe the vision of the master imposed upon the potential contained in the unmanifest, in this expansion all things look outward, to the frontiers and world around, for all things are growing and evolving. but what is it the awakened being say? return to the one, see all as the union, become the emptiness, the return to potential. and why? because the universe must rebalance itself, end the endless expansion and creation and become the singularity, so in this universe, the spiritual being is the force of entropy, to return this manifestation to the field of unmanifest potential and await the next yuga. in the expansion a trillion billion stars were created and each a marker of the universal expansion, each a being of pure energy made into matter and pure consciousness. as stars evolve they crush themselves into a singularity of such density they become black holes and in that state the begin to devour the existence around them and return it into unformed potential energy returned to its unmanifest state. all is working to devolve this universe back to potential, for forces want their own creation unblemished by what now exists.this KaliYuga is mindless expansion, begun from pure expression of the unstructured awakening. all is chaos and then perfection, all is possible and permanent. as we become awakened we realize that all is awaiting the return to the natural state, the unmanifest state, the endless unaware, potential that needs nothing and never changes.yet it is inevitable that some force will emerge to create a new Yuga a new universe, and in that existence will be some other form of awareness and consciousness, imposing itself on what cannot be determined. and that will become what will be known as existence.

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