Saturday, December 10, 2011

I am always in the shadow

 the eclipse, the penumbra of the divine. the light is cast before me and the being awaits its pure delight, yet the celestial play intervenes unabated and eternally. little souls abound, plying in the half light, the half life of the body the desire bound souls, awaiting their next round after round of the dance of the denied the defeated. where is this for the divine, the elevated masters, the enlightened and beyond. for enlightenment is just the birth the opening the first rung of the human to divine ladder the eyes see the truth of being. what steadfast foes we are to this reckoning and unreasoning. we play at the game, unwilling to give up or forgive, waiting forevers to move a muscle to make it possible. then when it happens, all is done and the light is finally lit, we are unprepared to be but have no way to not. this is where the true souls wait, the teachers the givers of truth, on the other side of truth, the sunshine of life. those who did not stop and wither, seek shelter in a cave, transcend the body. these remain to show the work that remains, the path of supramental light. it is true that while the mind dominates the spirit languishes, there is no suffering for the soul, but the human connection feels the unending longing, the yearning for that divine union of physical, vital, mental psychic and spirit. there is no other experience for the self, only the union and transformation of all into one being, one connection to one self. eternally the mind removes us from that experience, one step away, one shift from here to there, now to then, all is a play of minute forces shifting, distracting, obliterating the most obvious state with the sensations and desires of a million abstractions. it is the content of the emotions, the thoughts that are the issue, the drama of the memories and desires that fill the present moment and drive the self away from its purity and alignment with the truth, which contains no content, no drama, no desires. life is the abstraction, love the path, emptiness the state, being the truth. when all else is removed, the purity prevails automatically. don’t dwell on the content, just let all sense of it go, do not look at the details, but wipe away the whole board, like a deck of cards sweep them from the table of awareness, let everything go, what remains is the truth, the being untouched even after  lifetimes of neglect and dissolution. the end is never and now is the only time. I has no thoughts, no desires, I exists only, as the connection to being. I is everything and nothing, the i you think you are, the feeler, the thinker, the wanter, the doer, all is illusion, that i dies and is replaced billions of times in every body that dies. but the I that is, that connects to the imperishable being, is never changed, never lost, never created but only realized as all else departs, is left behind, wiped clean, the truth of life is nothing endures but the truth, only the imperishable self endures. become that eternally, do not dwell on every sensation that creates desire and action and frustration, every feeling of want and need and greed, become clear as a pane of glass, look into the light that is everywhere shining and become that. we exist in that light only and all matter is light condensed, stuck, caught in the web of resistance, do not resist the light, open yourself to its highest vibration, feel the light, the unending purity of its vibration freeing all sense of individual self, become the one force that burns away all delusion, all darkness, all unconsciousness, become the light of awareness.

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