Tuesday, April 16, 2013

the divine chooses

the divine chooses, we are chosen as the agents of the divine will. the idea that there is a separate existence is false. there is no emptiness except through the identification with the ego driven self. this contraction of consciousness to its smallest point creates the feeling of smallness, of lack and scarcity for everything appears greater than you. the feeling of helplessness and aloneness creates the illusion that there is a giant abyss and void that has no end between the self and everything else. to fend off this feeling the ego creates structures of false importance to enlarge its self, shoring up defenses against the sense of impending doom. through divine grace and disciplined life the realization that you are not any of these things or desires or actions releases that sense of separation and returns the balance of being as both finite and connected to everything. what connects everything also becomes the force of consciousness that brings all things into awareness, the field of universal potential. this consciousness becomes the source of creation and the individual system becomes the focus of its action in the physical plain. there is no initiation from the individual, for there is only the self and the void of self to the individual, here all action is initiated from the universal and is carried out through the individual nature, interacting with the field of potential, manifesting the divine will, transforming the potential of awareness into the conscious fruit of universal action. there is no other but the separate self experiences the emptiness that surrounds the universal oneness and becomes frightened. knowing there is birth and death of its physical shell, the finite mind imagines itself to be alone in the vastness of eternal existence and consciousness, and desires to experience union with all things physically,for even the smallest bit of consciousness is the universal being forming billions of forms each a reflection and recreation of its divine nature each a potential carrier of the divine consciousness. through each form the divine creates the universal manifestation of love and all its possibilities, to exist and know union with that which brought it into being, for each bit of the universal consciousness seeks that return, that consciousness, that divine ananda of love completed. to experience the other as the self is the end of suffering, for there is union and oneness, love and bliss in that union, it is the most highly prized state of existence and is the force that creates and nurtures all life. in that state there is no lack, no smallness no emptiness only fulfillment completion and joy, what is divine, is to be that, to know that, to experience only that, constantly and continually and bring that as an offering to every being and form, in every connection and interaction, to transmit the universal that exists whenever two finite consciousnesses let go of all separation and become as one. bring love as the divine from the union within that needs no other and share that always. 

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