Wednesday, March 5, 2014

I hold the sepulchral chalice

I hold the sepulchral chalice of christ's blood to my lips and drink with a gusto for the empty bottoming of the red wine upon my soul, there is no end to the quenching of thirst or the need to continue. what has become is unbecoming and the last supper was last night and every night before. each swore an oath and pledged undying certainty that none would leave before the dawn, yet even before first light the night enveloped the last figure outstretched and uncertain that this untruth could be endured. for what is the life of the eternal soul but the sacrifice for the sin of creation, all forgiven their unknowable source and none less innocent than the one that remains. to take without gratitude and to return nothing for the kindness but more cruelty, to judge without feeling and suppress all hope with self satisfaction and twisted desire. there is no one left but the savior of himself in everyone, the final judge and heart created of undying compassion. none are different from the one and none are less than any other. in the christ night the sense of abandonment is followed by despair and surrender, the body perishes at the hands of the cruel and unjust and finally sweet death carries the soul free from all sin and karma to its final truth as the endless father and son and holy ghost of the divinity made man, the sins of all men are forgiven in the sacrifice of the one that knows the truth and suffers regardless. unconditional love and truth are one and the same for neither allows any falsity to exist. that all is one and one is all are both expressions of a dualistic sense that cannot be for neither create or destroy but only suffer from the delusion of existence conscious of its own imperishable truth and the suffering that forever continues in the unconscious forms. for none know their father or mother and take each for lover and enemy brother and friend master or slave in every life. this last testament is the final chapter of the climb and the fall the escape and the capture, the recognizing and the forgetting , the doing and undoing of all things and all rights and wrongs that cannot be taken back or put away but only be forgiven forever and ever amen.

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