Monday, March 31, 2014

A bit of advice

A bit of advice for those who care, it has been proven and documented that life is a disease of the soul that ends ultimately in death, its the only time that a cure can be had, the only sure way to recover, just as the body gets cancer so the soul gets born, the purest of divine consciousness becomes entombed in a meat machine that is self repairing and replicating, like a virus its contagious, and the souls that get too close to those infected becomes themselves the new hosts for the contagion, somewhere a gleeful god is laughing and howling with the situations he invents for the sufferers, the interactions with the billions of other victims trapped almost unconsciously in these meat wrappers. as the victim becomes subject to the restraints of time and space, their consciousness retreats further and further from the realms of the infinite and unending perfection of the eternal state of being, soon as a defense mechanism the soul identifies with the physical restrictions and loses itself within their sense experiences. everything becomes a masterful parody of the divine existence and unknowingly the victims strive to somehow recreate their universal distant memories into their shallow human lives, its a long slow painful process that is filled with the knowing something is not right, that somehow all this is wrong but theres no way to change it, the individual is separated from everyone else, the self seems inadequate or over sensitive, overreacting to every unbearable intrusion or suspected judgment, soon the mind of the human takes over and begins making constant self projecting demanding and painful decisions and taking actions against others for itself. the mind becomes the new virtual soul and in its virtual make believe version of the world everything revolves around it. and to make matters worse, there a billions of these minds all constantly pushing and pulling everything and anything to get what it wants, the damage is massive and everyone suffers from it even if they only spend all their time trying to avoid or repair the damage. only when the body dies does the soul finally have a chance to end this travesty, to free itself of this incurable virus, but if it hasn't properly prepared itself, it dies identifying with what the mind says is real, and quickly returns to the infected area and suffers relapse after relapse. the only known cure to avoid constant reinfection is to attempt to kill the mind, and its ego construct before the body dies, then when the body does die the mind set is not driven by the human desires and attachments and the other symptoms of the disease . the soul free of the infesting mental master, remembers to head away from the dark wards where the gnashing of teeth and screaming of the tortured no longer sound like the voices of old friends. remember to head into the emptiness away from the virus infected areas of the lower astral plain.

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