Sunday, March 9, 2014

feeling time

feeling time, today my home, such wonderful friends come. we sit atop the veranda wall upstairs and feel the strong breeze rippling our cloths, all are looking to Arunachala, all are devotees of Ayya, master of the unknowable truth. we talk of the upcoming journey to Nepal and walking through deep snow -40 degree Celsius, without shoes or jacket. Carte tells me of his dream where dogs attack me and he fights them off and then the elephant comes and places his trunk upon my head and there is such love and joy simple and pure in his face, our friend Miru from Poland is also here and in Carte's dream for Ayya is the dog and the elephant, doing and flowing through this unchained moment. Miru is  helping his young german protégé phillip find a small indian house to buy near the foot of Arunachala, then he hopes to sell his farm in Poland and live here ex-pat and in this centuries-old ancient mystic heaven. the wind blown gentleness of the night brings layers and layers of riffled clouds dancing, gleaming inside the bald moon with long billowy whiskers alights,  deepening twilight overhead, the first planet venus drags the half faced orbiteer with an invisible rope across the cloud woven heavens. I feel the filling warmth of the supreme light within and my eyes shutter and swallow the energies serenely encompassing all that are gathered here in His divine fellowship and love. the talk ranges in three languages but there is no mistaking the bond throughout our hearts, and this is the world I live in now both sweet and joyful, sweeping ascension and oneness from the shared presence of the master.. there is only the radiance within that cannot be seen but only felt, this warm night, so unbreakably fragile and softly strong, enclosing these smiling hearts and eyes with one vision, one soul, one life. unbearable truth, we share without knowing or thinking, speaking only  the unspoken,  filling every sound. a flight of white egrets slowly gracefully passes through the twilit sky, and all are pulled in their wake, sublime release and divine motion fills my heart with  one love one family one guru, limitless and present, the invisible night expanding through our gathering, my heart the family of all hearts, open to all  and connecting all with the slightest touch. the beyond beckons, silent and filled with love.

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