Wednesday, May 23, 2012

programming or engineering

programming or engineering? what limits or frees ones system?  are the confines of the flesh greater than the confines of the mind, or are each their own pathway to the divine? as this handful of circuits, diodes and transistors can express beauty and love so too is the human system equipped to bring forth the true nature of the soul. and as this computer is programmed to display the transformation through interaction with a higher source so too is the human hardware and software designed and operated  by a higher order and expresses their most inner expressions. what we are is secret and divine, hidden behind a curtain that expresses what each has, the face, the hands and legs the sex all are the tools of the divine, each equipped to bring forth a face of the inner beauty and soul, yet none is unique or different in its manufacture or design. the truth lies within the operator, the spark inside that awaits its time to come forward and drive the machine. do we learn to learn,or are we taught? some learn, they find the information and process it without guidance, others can only be led, taught what to think what to do, what to say. supposedly we are free, individual self directed capable of independent decision making, yet there is little evidence to that assumption, as the dna and chemical processes of the body regulate even the tiniest responses to the environment. the amount of sunshine, the water content of the air, the number of people in a room, the sex characteristics  and age of each possible mate, hunger, mating, birth and home protection, we are truly beasts driven to certain distinct functional processes, only when the biocomputer malfunctions do these  change to any noticeable degree. notice the seekers for some spiritual relief, clamoring for the secret of inner transformation and then ignoring it when they find it, reverting to their previous programming. its only through the efforts of the teacher that they can overcome the machine. the illusion of freedom is what is programmed into the machine, not true freedom, but the freedom to follow the programming, when the machine functions as designed, the sense of accomplishment and self worth increase, the sense of individual freedom is greater, even though the reality is less freedom and less ability to make decisions. how is it that there are some machines running wild, loose of their programming, some are aberrations, unable to process certain portions of their programming, some are hardware defects, but a few are conscious self directed individuals that reprogrammed their own systems, the yoga of meta programming the human bio computer, its not a college course and its never discussed in lower education, but its out there, its yoga and meditation and more exactly, its giving up the idea that you know what and why and who you are. the box that thinks its cardboard will never become a portal to the divine. but the box that conceives of the air inside its confines as the breath of the supreme soul that inhabits all life, that box will know truth. of course its not a box and we're not cardboard but the concept is the same and should be even more obvious as the ocean rages and the sky crashes and the night blackens, who trembles and who creates the trembling even as they call the lightning to show the way. its not the light in the dark that we see but our own self reaching forth to clear away the obstacles to become the light. what you want to become is not what you think you want but what you can be taught to learn. there is no being taught the truth, it has to be earned by learning it yourself.

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