Thursday, September 27, 2012

i rest unbidden in paradise

i rest unbidden in paradise, the last of a breed that will not die, will not stop pushing or being pushed, the end of all creations thunder, the very tip of the lightning set into the metal core of the earth even as the heavens blaze. what is it that climbs mountains and hurries to the places of reckoning, scattered like rice across the sand. i miss the smell of India and all its billions and in the deepest darkness i miss even myself lost in the wanderings of a million sadhus, pointing with sturdy staffs at mountain tops and rivers becoming the flesh of the gods.the hurricanes of summer are passed and the frozen nights of winter are still held in the cold hands of falls slow mystic coming. dying as a way of preparing, the world seeks the protection of the bed of leaves and the blankets of snow that fall effortlessly or in torrents with the wintered winds of the canyons. i watch this day the rebirth and miracle of life, of bodies reborn and the suffering of the human sent in ethereal splendor to become a wakened beast, a man among flowers and the truth of what is brought in the soul and revealed only when the sight fails and the body trembles with its own sure passing. the pounding surf of existence awaits the swimmers rushing to the waters briny depths and clinging to wooden totems of their faith as every wave triumphs and each face submerges slowly to the inevitability of breathing the salt and eating the seaweed and playing in the fisheries of floating madness for no fins protrude and no gills breathe beneath the darkened seas. i await the wash of time and the hurtling of space to take me to my final completion, even though i am there even as i wait and wonder where it is i am that has no name or destination. love exists as the unheard sound never noticed until it stops and the silence of being alone extends past even the heart and nothing remains, serene without caring, ready always for whatever can come to be.

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