Sunday, September 16, 2012

Einstein was a visionary

Einstein was a visionary of dynamic extrapolation, his one poem, energy equals matter times the speed of light squared, is truly the story of life, of death, of every moment you exist. for what is life, you, what you are but energy trapped in a form, in fact energy is the very stuff that form is derived from. the accumulation of energetic forces into standing waves, waves that collide with opposing waves and become constant in their vibration. the truth is we are the energy of our lives imprinted upon the universal ether into immovable objects made of intense restrained energetic forces. as these forces interact with other forces they shift in frequency and oscillation becoming the resulting interactive result of the totality of all the forces that surround it. to release the form is to release the forces that hold this energy in its trapped state. this is the incredible truth, we are human nuclear systems, in containment, once the containment is breached, huge amounts of energy are returned to the universe and who we are loses form, loses definition loses any singular point of reference and we return to the diffuse ether of formless existence. there the universe is one tiny glowing gaseous ball and you are swirling in and out of its interactions without shape or form, there is nothing but the incredible light released everywhere, captured and reformed as life after life we become the fuel of the universal expansion.

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