Tuesday, September 18, 2012

i awake to darkness

i awake to darkness and stars, the last of the campfire smoldering, windy and cool, my hair tossed and clothes wrapped awkwardly from twisting in my sleep. the dawn still hours away night fully present, the last few hours spent pulling a mighty wagon up mountains and flying into the sky from the top, then crashing through the nets of the dreamfishers, wrestling with beaked egyptians and hooded beastmen, chanting the million names of their gods. one split second i am laid before a relic of ancient sacrifice and the next my ancient VW surrounds me and while there is nothing to separate the two, i feel the cushion of this dimension seize me and fill with a relief that my fate in that world is left unknown. here my energy washes through me in waves that both unhinge me and push through my spine until my consciousness is loosed again and the waves of the energetic ocean envelope me and there is only the deep golden sea surrounding  everything in warm light like fire  reflected from golden walls and filling my ancient tomb with the friends and animals that once trod the earth with me and into the next world  beyond worlds. my sarcophagus is ready and all my wives prepared as death overtakes all but i shall live forever.

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