Saturday, December 7, 2013

where enlightenment ends

where enlightenment ends, devotion begins, as the self disappears into the divine then the divine disappears from the self, for only the divine remains and sees only that in everything. for what is enlightenment but the end of the self, the final traverse from the mind to the heart and the endless ocean of love that flows through every atom of this creation, pulsing through the being that is the source of all existence. devotion is the plunge into unknowable depths of faith and surrender that all is the supreme, unending beyond any sense that the individual can experience. it is the individual self that is enlightened through its own dissipation into the undefined infinite, the divine self only remains and is in love with its own creation and all the purity and love that it is made of. here only can true devotion begin, until this moment only faith exists as the self like a cork floating on the ocean trusts that the currents carry him gently, for there is no destination but the everlasting sea of being, and the depth of love that has created this dream of life separate and seeking to lose itself once more in its own beauty and wonder. I flow without destination, becoming the source of all things and the light of creation in one unending vibration unleashing all things and all the inevitable possibilities until each and every have been let go and the force dispersed through every distance and direction. all is one as each was once so separate and between all things nothing exists but the source in love with its manifesting vibration and experiencing that through the process of enlightenment of its creation, the loss of separate consciousness and the unending devotion of the supreme soul through love that is given to all that is manifested. we perch upon the branch that grows from the roots of our soul and see outward the proof of our existence, the wondrous beauty and harmony of all things, and even as the eyes close so does the heart open to feel the force of unending love that carries every soul through the passage of separation to the unification of the divine creation in every particle of existence. we are the dust of the universe and the universe is made of dust, filled with the force that enlivens and directs every particle, for the only self is the being of devotion, eternally merging and transforming everything in the fire of existence. to know you are alive is to know that life, this life this conscious recognition of living is joy. once the joy is free there is no end of love. once the sense of separation ends, devotion is the natural state, until then have faith.

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