Friday, December 6, 2013

though I have all I could want

though I have all I could want, I give more to more and more for everyone is in need, though their souls are full, the flesh is empty. need, suffering, desire, temptation, we are all subject to the side effect of existence, of living in flesh, the heart though pure in truth, is beating like a hot fist in the human chest, the blood filling every vein and muscle with life and with desire. from this comes suffering, for the flesh is always stimulated always keening for more, for without more, there would be none and then life would stop. so suffering goes on and on, the least of us and the greatest both with the same muscle, the same needs, the same embodiments of the spirit in flesh. I find where there is an opening, to give, without want or need and relieve in me that pressure, and let go some of the fleshy clinging. in meditation, consecration, service, devotion all love floats on the water, as oil burns away the liquid, swimming upon the waves of joy immersed in love, all life deepens and purpose finds the current, carrying one without effort. what is needed is given, what is asked for is received, this life a sanctuary, a reclusion from the totality of being into the monasticism of self, to lose the divine and rejoin the human if only for a short while, to know true peace where all are in need. all life succumbs to the universal, molded in its force and shaped by its powers that have no end or beginning, only presence. and in the lamp of infinitesimal light we see only the fraction that is allowed and from this there is enough to give everlasting truth to every heart. let the earth become the night and still the light would be shining from within, for there is no light or dark but only the love that brings the two together. we become the summation of the process of attraction and repulsion, the end of differences and the result of our own giving, for what we are is each end every become all and then none for in one there is no other and we find ourselves gone into our own heart.

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