Saturday, December 7, 2013

just as consciousness

just as consciousness is not located anywhere in physical space yet seems to float both inside and outside of the body, so too is the divine being not located anywhere in this world yet seems to be everywhere. once you become self conscious, that is to realize that you are experiencing consciousness from an individual point of view, there is a separation that is created between what you experience and what everyone else experiences. here in the center of your consciousness is the center of your universe and from it flows all the sense of self. in fact that sense of self is a creation of the mind that is used as a filter on your consciousness, to exclude the sense of being connected to all consciousness, for consciousness exists everywhere and in all things both animate and inanimate but the filter of self removes that from your experience. this is actually to allow you to develop your awareness as a functioning unit in the beginning stages of life, during childhood and puberty so that the human can function and survive. once complete though it is not time to stop developing but time to start letting go of these beliefs of separateness and isolation. what is known as empathy compassion psychic connection are the next stages of development and without them the human life becomes stunted at the level of a spoiled child, sure that its needs and thoughts take precedence over everyone else's and so goes through life unaware of what the true nature of this existence is. as one develops these additional senses and lets go the filter of ego on the consciousness the sense of separation dissolves and the being of truth and love evolves within. so it is true in every stage of the process, to find the pockets of stubborn resistance to evolution and to root them out so that the light of divine consciousness can fully flow through the receiver being opened within. as the receiver collects the force of pure love and truth so it becomes that, not just a collector of the force but in turn becomes the transmitter to all around it. consciousness is the same in all, but the filters are all unique and divergent as each mind develops differently in the process of self absorption. so its is not the individual nuances that must be dealt with as each requires an enormous amount of attention that only strengthens the sense of separation and isolation. rather the mechanism that creates illusion, filtering reality through a virtual reconstruction, must be eliminated. this is the mind, shut off the mind and the process is ended. then the pure flow of consciousness can be felt. stopping the mind requires rejecting the trains of thought, the emotional reactions, chemical reactions that the separate self requires. fears, judgements, explanations all barriers to direct experience of the flow of consciousness. through renunciation of self indulgence, silence and meditation one can reduce the function of the mind and its control over the flow of consciousness. but even more powerful is to surrender to the divine being with faith and lay down all claim to the objects and attachments in life. give up the struggle to the divine and let thy will not mine be your mantra. all love flows from an open consciousness, finding only joy to be alive.

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