Friday, November 9, 2012

everything clings

everything clings. the universe is attached everywhere to everything, there is only the ascension, the rising above everything that reveals the detachment, the emptiness that cannot be seen from within. it is not one thing or these things or those, but everything that must be removed in order to experience the undeniable freedom of being. what is there that we are that is attached, the need, the desire the game to get what you want, that propels you deeper into the well of samskaras. one action taken with the sense of ownership, reverberates eternally through the protocreation and manifests the endless returning to its reverberating generations of progeny. nothing succeeds but the cut of the blade across the neck and the sure deathless transformation of the soul from life to beyond living, to alter the track of the sensodramatic fulfillment endlessly repeating its wishes and dredging up the world to find the reason they do or wont be granted. all things pass and with them their possessors and all their desires. in the stream of life, only the water is unchanged as the fish live and die eternally, never knowing they are being systematically harvested for the needs of the air breathers, all the surety of the platter awaits, not the fulfillment of aquatic sentiments. the swimming being in the pool of the human vital is a shark or a salmon, a predator or prey, what games are played never change and the endless reproduction does not make it truer or better only more assured that you will also succumb to its ferocious appetites and become the devourer of your own soul, the destiny of your own doom, the creator of your own self deluded fear that nothing will or can ever change.

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