Friday, March 2, 2012

it is always the small self

that expresses and feels and thinks and acts, always. the being has no nature, it interacts with the human world through the finite self of the ego. when the ego becomes the tool of the being then all changes from egoic to is discipline and meditation, ego lacks these fundamental qualities, they must be self imposed to bring the egoic nature into balance with the true nature of the self, the union of the being and human nature. it is the human nature that experiences ananda, bliss, it is the human that is liberated, enlightened, realized. the universal is not concerned with such but only with the end of small thinking, however that can happen. so often the process of the human to the divine becomes the obsession and not the divine itself. then there is no hope for liberation, as the human delights in its own issues and problems, forgetting to let them go and move on. each path points to the same destination, freedom from the rule of the ego. each points to union with the ageless Being. remember to look where the path points to, not at the path itself. the realization of the goal the unification the enlightened self become one, there are a million ways to be that, find the one for you and move with it, the only path is yours, no one else walks it or reaches the end. take whatever is necessary to get there, leave all behind that prevents you. its not a book or a teacher or a place or a practice, its literally you and no one else that is doing this, you already know the way and what is waiting. become that every day and you will succeed.

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