Thursday, March 29, 2012

i arrive too late

i arrive too late for my own awakening, choosing the sleep of eternity in which to dream unending
where is it now that sweet dream and delicious satisfaction of desire everlasting
this paltry truth and deficient oneness robs all delight and frolic
no horse to cart me or wife to wed me the children done and never to play
i balk and resist as even the air is gone from my lungs
what breathing becomes is bellowed force and hapless grace
none but me to know and what is worth that alone
for its not my eyes i see with, but the endless stare of the deathless warrior
left eternally vigilant watching for the enemies of nowhere and nothing
what ends is the beginning and what never ends is the death of everything
what endless funeral cries through me and leads the procession into its unnumbered graves
loose this bounded fancy where once skies rampant soared and i
the least of any and the greatest admirer of everything and all sit untouched without a memory
to keep me from this song so sweet through all that i can be
no tuneless dirge or warbled sadness but the joyful lilt of my true loves own
what am i
i am nothing and the absoluteness of everything
as i become i am one and all before any exist
and in their end i am that which never was
for when the i is gone what remembers
what waits and longs eternally
no love becomes or thrill alights, the dance is gone
were i you or you i is never again

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