Thursday, October 18, 2012

the soul unliberated, suffers not

the soul unliberated, suffers not, as the heart unused has no feelings, it is only once the nature of the system is aroused, does it begin to resonate with the rhythms of the natural creation. there is a lesser and greater nature that men contrive in their noblest visage, to become a charitable being to transcribe their fate from the block letters of infancy to the cursive strokes that express most the individual fingerings and delicate nuances of their created selves. in each is the unwritten pursuit to become not as others would expect but as a newness or an unexpected opposite, surprising all with daring and freshly painting the world in hues before unseen.some grasp the calligraphy of the heart and touch with the wings they draw a million children singing, others the weight of petulance and sorrow declines and into the tar like substance all are drawn and suffer the ancient horror of the dying lizards of the prehistoric dwellers. we see nothing but what we desire and give only what is free within, leaving many doors unopened and many lives unlived. all speciality and uniqueness vanish with the grasping of the endless totems and coins, the harvest ends but the storing of the wealth never falters, forces without end compromise the truth, the freedoms the personal aspirations and twist each thought to their own preservance, what is left is a sad reckoning of man made happinesses and weak brewing tea that no sugars or draughts of spice can infuse with pleasure for the imbiber. the naturalness and enjoyment that the day and night contain never change yet always fill the open heart completely, not so with the buildings and factories made of greed and desire. from these come a smug complaint of hammered sacrifice that ends no ones complaint and suffers for the lack of wanting more. let loose the world of need and embrace the needless heart, be free to love and to aspire and to realize every dream and dreamers wakening, dawn and day come freely and so the enjoyer of its delight sleeps well upon the nights brilliant splendor.

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