Thursday, October 25, 2012

love of doing

love of doing, the love affair with the world, the flesh made life, all the pretty things, made real with believing, the trust of love that never thinks of itself but plunges without thought into the game. all is the reflection of the truth in which you reside, untouched, dispassionate, removed, yet in one part all is being given, manifesting the endless drama of existence, the acceptance of all shortcomings and failures as real and important just as success and victory seem to be. but there is only the field of awareness and the endless creation upon it, the true being rests in the unending bliss of consciousness manifesting bliss, all existence flowering in unending profusion and certainty, endless love and joy, for nothing can touch the dreamer but the dream and with a moment of realization, the music stops and the lights go up revealing the stage and all the players. no one is there not even you, the universe stops and the being requires nothing, endlessly. here all is one, divine potential and undivine corruption all dissolve into light and from that light the source remains removed and beyond the temporal nature of existence. no human artifice can describe the unknowable yet we are more than human and through that the connection to what has nothing to hold becomes known through the empty heart suddenly filled with wonder. be free of all knowing and doing and all shall be delight.

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