Monday, April 16, 2012

i am nothing

i am nothing. that which is created when we meet is oneness, the connection of one to none, the completion of the manifest touching the unmanifest. consider the cycle of existence from nothing into something into nothing. from birth to death from unconscious into conscious. even the process of sustaining becomes a mirror of this, i am hungry, empty, i become filled the emptiness becomes full. from none to one. all of life is that dance. we become empty then we fill the emptiness. we become full we empty. who i am is nothing, i fill that nothing with everything, then empty it all again, realizing that i am that none and one together without any contradiction, only completion.can there be a nothing beyond emptiness for that implies fullness never emptied also must be.a universal emptiness that has no connection to anything, and a fullness that is never unconnected. and which is true or truer or even false, for how can these apply to an absolute. everything in this manifested world is the expression of a universal absolute, pure awareness, consciousness, form, atman, being, all things we experience are derived from these universal totalities. they are not dualistic and each exists without beginning or end. so too must there be a emptiness and a totality that are not related or opposite yet existent beyond any experience. from these are derived the cyclic events and experiences of our mortal natures and we unknowing are the manifested aspects of these unknowable modalities. how is it known, what is pain and fear, pleasure and desire but expressions of each in the limited space time brain creation we experience as life. but it is not a life we live but express as the extensions of timeless and spaceless forces. manifested protrusions into realms of dimensions where realities are formed and sustained eternally by unknowable protectors of the self existent realms. All praise Shiva, the destroyer that will bring us back to this unholy truth. free of our bounded awareness, become the unaware truth that has nothing to determine or understand, yet becomes without limitations.

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