Thursday, May 1, 2014

I have an old electric toothbrush

I have an old electric toothbrush, one of those fancy ones, sonicare, that's been sitting in a box in the garage for more than a year and probably hadn't been used for more than a year before that. I think I bought it at Costco about 6 years ago as a free replacement for the one I had for 12 years before that. it looks funky and I hooked it up to the charger just for an experiment, to see if I could coax this thing back to the real world. well for two days it sat like a dead brick, then a small green light started to flash and for 3 days the light expanded to more and more bars until finally today, after 5 days of charging, it has a solid row of green bars and it works. I would have never expected this in the past and just thrown the thing out, but because I have no expectations, I just left it go at its own pace not regulating what the outcome might be, and it found its own way to recharge. I know this is a stretch but it illustrates how we create the world around us through our expectations, everything becomes an extension of our thoughts and actions, everything is connected to everything we experience. there are no six degrees of separation, there's not even one degree, we are the interface to the universe, the user interface, the real question is, who is the user? who is interfacing with the universe? as in the operating system for the computer, there's an interface to the bios as well as an interface to the application that is its own interface to a area of interest. the web browser is the interface to the internet, which is an interface to a billion possible sites and subjects. likewise the human body, mind, spirit is the device that connects to the internal parts as well as all external parts, and there are trillions of possibilities as well as orders of magnitude of organization of the parts. the body,mind,spirit decodes the layers and planes of organization and collection and allows the experience directly of the totalities of the collections rather than just looking at the individual components, much like the computer allows the viewing of text and pictures sound and videos, etc, rather than just the lines of code and assembly instructions that make up the functioning parts of the application. so with the human body, made up of billions of bits of component structures that individually make sense but give no hint of the working of the total structure that when decoded through the user interface is experienced as living. where does the sense of ownership and connection reside in this structure, who is the experiencer of the life that is totally regulated by the application layer of the user. life 1.0 is pretty basic , life 9.0 has a lot more ability to reach out into the various layers of the possibilities of the universe, but the upgrade requires many changes to the operating system in order to run the code. if even one portion of the operating system is not in sync with the upgraded code then the whole thing fails and the experience becomes unstable and possibly dangerous to the system. evolution is the standard upgrade path, slow ponderous and basically a trial and error using the beta testers as guinea pigs. there are self programming systems, ones that have gone into the inner workings and started applying patches and upgrades using references and textbooks of past attempts and the results, and have become a cult of the interface engineers. however its done the possibilities seem endless as the system evolves one way or another and the experiences grow. eventually the organization of the components all around, begins to change as the system is upgraded and sees the new layers of interrelated patterns in everything..

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