Monday, January 20, 2014

in truth, what is love

in truth, what is love, the sweetness of home and protection of the child before the unfeeling emptiness of time. forever is a long and empty road and at the end there is only here and now, the world seeks love as we hurtle through the lost emptiness of space, searching for answers to riddles without meaning. we say we need an answer when really its just to ask the question loudly proud to have discovered in ourselves a deeper layer than just what is the social normalcy, but the answer is not the reason we seek, its the seeking itself that gives purpose gives direction, but if the answer were accepted, that would all be gone. better to keep looking than accept what is. for love is protection from our own mistakes and love is a sweetness that makes the truth seem bitter by comparison, but ultimately we are not the individual alone and needy, there is divinity but it ends the dream, once divine, then the excuses fall away, and the dream ends, one awakens to the truth, that all are sleeping and the awakeness is what is needed, love is a tool in the box, but eventually there is a totality that like the ultimate stage of love, has no other, no object, no return or sharing, but just the work. love is doing without result or ownership, surrendering the personal, the will, the direction and letting the truth be. its in that moment that truth and love become one and the same, neither free nor enslaved, neither alone or together, all becomes this tiny part of the whole and as the tiny part so too the whole. I find myself both afraid and excited to be both giving up and getting with the same hand. I have no prayer for this but a small heart still beats within, shedding its fears and tears as every dilemma and choice is faced as a new moment with only the possibility of completion, not outcome. I race to my own conclusion truthfully, for I have loved completely and still do. everyone is love and everything is truth, for nothing has been left out or forgotten. the way is always right in front and the light is where you look to find it.

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