Thursday, January 9, 2014

every moment is contained

every moment is contained in this one, everything everywhere continues to exist through the universal connectivity of existence. all life is one life all things are but one substance in every possible form. that which is psychic is feeling the oneness that is the true being within. one source for all, one being existing, one dreamer dreaming. we have no end or beginning, that is just the dreamer passing from state to state, now dreaming through you then waking when you die. but you awaken remembering, the dream is you, and this world the dream living. and what of the meaning, the purpose, does your dreaming have meaning, have purpose, then so does your life as a dream. when the dreaming ends, when the mind stops producing reasons, when the muscles quit straining, the breath alone continues, and the light becomes ever present, here there is a message, a truth, a moment of brilliance. gathered together there is no separation from that which created you, the dreamer's slumbering, with no end the dream concocts this universe and lets loose a fantasy supreme and all within are the playmates of the mind, acknowledging this creation, agreeing to play the role of the created, the finite and whimsical souls of the lost tribe wandering for ever and becoming more and more lost in the universal drama that unwinds from the unconsciousness. what begins is  looking for an end, there is no other way out, the finite awakenings are only the dreamer trying to awake, to find the way back from this cosmic coma. there is no place or time just stream of consciousness evolving from nothing expanding to fill the consciousness of the universal dreamer, each tiny facet unfolding in an unknowable design that even the dreamer cannot grasp. as the end of the dream comes so will the souls created in the dream awaken to the dreamer within for who is dreaming but each one of us, together forever untangled without resolution, the meaning obscured and the ending lost in a brilliant haze of awakening.

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