Tuesday, January 15, 2013

the only movement is to the center

the only movement is to the center of self, consciousness like a whirlpool draws everything to itself. all we are is a movement, a direction that has no fixed point to reference, we separate from all else and then imagine we are the fixed point that all else refers to. the truth is there is only one fixed point and it has nothing but itself. when there is awareness it exists everywhere at once, consciousness is a fixed point in that field, its attention focused but meaningless except as a reference for the awareness. it becomes a self referencing field drifting in complete emptiness. but as in all scientific analyses, nothing exists in a vacuum, all consciousness and existence were created together for one cannot exist without the other, the observer must quantify the observed, else there would be no cat in the box.in that moment the supreme consciousness the universal attention brought form from chaos and diffused energies. the observer imposed order and motion so that space and time could rule the elements within. consciousness is the context of existence. it holds all the elements as data structures in the openness of its attention. as each structure is attended to it flourishes. this happens on both personal and the collective, where the universal elements are maintained and certain structures are dominant as the resonate with the divine and others are transient lacking the qualities that support the dynamic structure of the complete creation, so in the collective we see interests and forces affecting many minds and hearts yet none are made by men and just so at the most individual level we imagine our thoughts and feelings to be our personal creations and properties yet we are constantly reacting to these larger structures that we are completely unaware of yet they affect everything we think and feel. this is because the self we think is thinking and feeling is not real, it is only a collection of individualized reactions resonating in the individual consciousness from the collective and universal planes. there is no self as in a true individual creator somehow separate from the supreme being, yet it is that reflection that gives us the belief that we somehow do have control over our lives, but this in the limited sense is false, there is only the supreme self and its actions in the universal and all that exists here is but a reflection of that a reaction to the collective reacting to the universal.once that is realized then the true nature of reality expands infinitely and mans role in the divine creation becomes clear as a individualized reflection of the force on this physical plane so that there can be the movement of the manifestation of the supreme will in all the layers of the creation from the highest unknowable progression of infinite and universal powers down to the unconscionable densest matter that cannot know or be known, as the source of its existence is lost and there is no consciousness there to bring any attention to enlighten what is. man sits in the unique position to be made of this unenlightened matter and yet be infused with the supreme awareness so that the force of this consciousness can be attuned to that which has none itself. and so it is from the highest to the lowest that the energy travels and it is this downward motion that enlivens and enlightens the tamasic matter and allows the passage of pure divinity through all its creation. we are the source and the mediator of the matter to the supreme and in such we are the untouchables of the divine population, dealing in the lowest forms and deepest unconsciousness of matter. but first we must become pure light in our own form our own consciousness and then  in this transparency shine the divine light upon the unreachable darkness within and without.

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