Saturday, June 9, 2012

ask and it is given

people ask me a question, i try to answer it even if there is no answer, like where is this heading, as if there is a direction or a place other than here and now. the work is a progression of stages and each plays out in the psyche and soul of the being through which everyone experiences life. there is only one direction and it is inward, to the center of the universe within. outward is more maya,  inward is the end of it, the drama the bullshit, the lies. i stop before i tell people anything.what to do how to do it what happens where this is headed. there is nowhere and nothing the truth has no face, the end is not the beginning, what you want is never what you get. i experience unsleeping energy, shaken like a leaf in a hurricane, i rise, sniffling and tired, in side a small quaking is all i am. the sunrise spreading joy to the trees i know and walked with yesterday. the giant pines. the crowning summit of the mountain welcoming me. i am the creature of the forest and the legend of the hills. there is nowhere for me to go, the world is one place and not many, each moment is a difference that cannot be experienced but only lived, i connect as one, the universal being, the emptiness and everything that is spawned, i become that and any vestige of who or what i was empties in to the vast sink of awareness and emptiness that surrounds all and nothing at all.

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