Sunday, August 4, 2013

each morning, I walk

each morning, I walk, along the mountain standing above the san andreas fault, looking to the west, to the sea where santa maria and the coastal communities lay. there is only consciousness that walks, only the divine, the manifesting satchitananda of being created and experiencing its own creation. alone atop the world diving into the layers and layers of experience, becoming the separated self and then rising to the surface where all life exists. to become one piece of the floating debris and yet sunk deep into the ocean of being not separated but divine in every particle every skin cell, every molecule of being human that is the divine wish, the pure expression of the force the universal force that wishes all existence to be. and to know its being, to be conscious in the moment of all that has brought being into matter and expressed it as this entity of its manifestation, this experiencer that becomes the experienced the lover that becomes loved, the father that is the child and the birth that becomes lost in the world of endless birth and the death that is lost in the unending destruction, for what exits but change and what comes but it goes and all life is perfection of the moment and the corruption of that into the past. holding onto the pavement with feet ancient and movement through all time and space into a realm of undivided attention the world streams like water filling every nook and cranny of the surface of the world, every crack and crevice and then rising like an eternal ocean burying all semblance of feature or difference and in the unstoppable sea all things melt and become the source of what is and know only that sameness that pure being of the universal self. and then the water flows into the center of the world and the fresh nature of differentiation returns, in every detail unique and splendid, natural and unnatural all things as they are radiate the divinity within and gratitude for that, for the purity of all that has no beginning or end that incorruptible truth that is the source and is the expression and is the experience of existence. and this life this moment is that for everyone.

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