Thursday, May 2, 2013

life exists

life exists as the expression of the universal force of becoming, all form is becoming from formlessness to form to consciousness embodied in that form, yet nothing remains unchanging, all forms change to become to evolve, in the cosmic scope, evolution of the species is but a blink, the passage of universes from expanding creation to devolving destruction is the turning of a page. all time exists only in the frame of reference in which it is experienced. the consciousness of the human form is structured to experience everything separated each minute detail alone and distinct as not the self, the opposite of the reality,the other extreme of the universal spectrum. as our forms evolve not just physically but also emotionally, mentally and psychically, our ability to expand our grasp of the universal nature of our finite existence evolves also, from the sense of a universal force separate from ourselves to the experience of the universal force within us welcoming us to merge with it to experience the ultimate wonder of the infinite contained in the tiniest particle of existence and both in one motion collapsing into the experience of pure love and bliss as the truth of the realization overwhelms everything everywhere. that each particle is the infinite being evolving to be fully conscious of the totality of its being and purpose, that everything is conscious and sharing in the experience of the universal evolution. we are the components of the being just as our eyes are components of our bodies, seeing everything yet not the being itself. we are eyes becoming aware of the body and of its workings and the purpose of our existence is in the seeing to help the body function, to provide a clear vision of what is all around, to be a functional aspect of the divine body, and to merge with that being as one and know the experience of existence. that is what uplifts the human form, its ability to share the divine vision, the divine awareness the supreme consciousness that expands to include all existence and somehow exists in nothing. for it is the absence of consciousness that permeates the divine awakening, the emptiness that is in and surrounds all that is and gives everything its definition and purpose. we exist in the expression of not unmanifest, to go beyond the unknowable and proceed until it is possible to know in some fashion, that which spawned all being, all life, all creation and in the union with that no longer experience any differentiation of form or non form but rather the unformed that has no expression and from there what cannot be evolves.

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