Saturday, August 11, 2012

the derivation of principles

the derivation of principles, the divining of the action and meaning of each breath and the purpose to exist in this creation. there is nothing and there is everything, neither exist yet we are created to experience both. what is it that is here, the reflection that is seen and heard and felt, tasted and smelled. all experiences of the senses. each another pathway to divine surrender. for what is it we experience but our own nature becoming that which we touch. discovering the covering of the soul. and from this grasping onto the tail of existence we see elephants and dragons, mysteries and magical beings, life coming and going, stopping and starting, there is no sense of what anything means other than that which is. the sky is not lit up with the writing of sages and seers to proclaim the meaning of existence. and why is this, the lack of knowing, because there is no meaning? or because its plain to see for those whose eyes are not shut?  to exist in the most true sense is to become that which is, to be, completely without dilution or confusion. it is the simplest existence. following that all things you become are abstractions, veils, masks of the essence. as the divine all is one at once without the layers of time space thought or feeling. there is but one and that has no sense or reason, it has only become that before all else. from that the universes came and went, the purity of being became endless form and feature. yet nothing is everywhere  and never changes or is abstracted or derived, it has no attachment to anything yet permeates all.for what can be that is not exposed on that background of emptiness. no endless form but finite design the universal nature flowing from the unending nothingness, the force of undying existence is the plane of uncreated being. the seed is the existence the soil is unexistant potentiality. the creation comes as a whirlwind of matter particles of raw desire, overwhelming all and clinging to becoming that which has no name or knowing. to be in that instant of becoming, all surrenders to being and the void vanishes and only the light exists. here we are in the light, surrounded by that which we cannot see, not the darkness but the absence of being, there is nothing there but without it there is no end to formlessness.

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