my boots outside like old soldiers cold and stiff, willing but retired, ready to perform their duty whenever they are needed, one more campaign of glory, one more march to the unknown destination, for what are feet in this world, the means of travel, the only reliable transportation a human can use. for when my feet carry me, i know i have arrived complete and in one being collected all at the same time at the same point with no parts still following unable to match the body's transport through this worlds physical dimensions. be here now, all of me, the truth of me in one motion become the earth and sky, the thought and experience, the imagined and the known. for that i have gone and returned from every place too distant and so near, complete and incomplete struggling and at peace to this home of the ancients the cells of the heart interiorizing the experiences of the body, exteriorizing the experiences of the soul. we live in the journeys crossroads and intersections, every pathway enters and exits from this nexus within. the boots we keep are the wings of the uncaged bird that fly higher with each heartbeat and flashes across the brilliance of the inner expanse. we are set free in the experience of true wonder and the incalculable wealth of gratitude. beyond the diamonds of the mind, beyond thoughts like radiant moonbeams, the darkness of truth expands and has no need of sight or sound, no want for the brilliance or shade, the truth like a blanket shelters, like a wind exposes, like the ocean drowns the self in purity that has no form or thought or feeling but beyond all permeates every space between and folds like pillars of velvet through the being. we are not alone or together but one and only that, each segment or division, each crack or vibration, exists as the mirage of infinity perceived. there is nothing but the endlessness and the unknown, yet the perceiver has no way of knowing, until the seer stops, for the stillness has no end or beginning, no waking up or sleeping, the past like butterflies forget their beginnings, exist in the transformation with wings of unbearable beauty and light glows around their form just for the instant of their expressiveness, and fades as the emptiness surrenders to the truth, that all light all darkness all perception exists for love, the transformation become aware perceive release as breath of the universe born living dying in one motion undone and gone.
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