born without bodies, the soul is brought into this world ancient and unmovable. there is no pleasure to exist in the physical plane without a body.it is a sacrifice to even be aware of its limitations and constrictions, all movement is restrained all action contained within its laws and predictions. and how can the eternal being become less than it is, or something it is not, are these even possibilities in this world. we become that, not through any change in the divine soul, but through the manipulation of the sensory system in the body. as a baby the being experiences life through the senses without any filtering, all is chaos and colors, feeling wonderful and feeling horrible, everything is new and the newness is the delight. to begin new, without the knowing of infinite amounts of experiences and existences, to be one with the newness of life, for this a billion children come into life, there is no end to the desire for this. and then the play, the reawakening, but who would know its the hardest game, the video game with the ultimate features, death, pain, pleasure to ensure that the players dont get bored to death.endless levels of struggle and distraction, somewhere the Mother is calling her children home, enough play, its time for the work, to wake up to get all these infinite beings out of these bodies and into their true nature, into the endless truth of the process of manifesting her play her creation, for where is the evolution and transformation if every being is stuck in its self addicted body. Who created this, who wanted this experience of the physical and thrust the divine into these bodies? The Mother, tired of the sleeping unmanifest Brahma, enticing him with the play of existence and life, thrust the unliving soul into the living body created just for Him, so He could awaken in Her creation, feel the Divine Love she has brought, become so enraptured with Her that all thought of sleeping would end, but alas, Brahma is nothing, if not disinterested, callous to the Mothers play, staying in a torpid slumber through all her enchantments, waking only to satisfy His needs and then return to the bed of unconsciousness. and this is the play the eternal movement, as if the gods were come from Olympus in human form, for that is who we are unknowing, the divine sleeps and has no interest in this play of the physical, yet Mother will not relent and sends Him again and again in every form into this world of her delight, the maya unending to bring forth His true nature in Her creation. to awaken the sleeping unmanifest into consciousness of her creation. and as he resists and turns away she steps forth into her world, into her own creation and tries to free Him of his delusion, of His imprisonment that should be a joy, His pain that should be ecstasy, His suffering that should be bliss. and every time one of his selves awakens Her divine love pours down upon His awakened being. This is the state we all aspire to, her divine love to be that which is the truth of our divine existence to know the union of unmanifest with the manifest and be delighted in Her ceaseless being of pure Love and Light.
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