simply no thing or other or place or time to be. transcending the duality creates indescribable nature, the mind exists as the plaything of the heart, it is this or that, here or there, always a relative position always a comparison, good or bad hot
or cold, this discrimination of the interpreter, not the experience itself. the unqualified nature of existence is but a taste of the experience of what is without the observer or the observed. there is no nature of reality, it is the nature of awareness to become consciousness and thereby know and experience what alone is unknowable nonexistence. the instant consciousness arises in the formlessness, there
is a here amidst the unendingness. waves of distortion arise with the perception of
collection and differentiation. there is no why but what no who but how, how am and
what am, not who am or why am. no reaction but perception. the absorption implies
density amidst transparency, a collection among the unassociated. a point of
perceptive awareness becomes a collection of associated perceptions, the mass or lack
of mass,the depth or flatness, the planes of dimensional awareness become the first
perceived waves of distortion.and through these distortions matter and space are
brought into perceived focus. that is the first when, the layers of energy became
entrained to the perceiving consciousness and experience individual attributes, the
singular state perceived in the non defined field of energy. that at this point there
is interacting with the perciever a field that has distorted to the state of the
perciever, establishing a phasing in and out of the energetic continuum that creates a
perceived separation from one state to the next though they exist simultaneously in
all states and in the perciever through the density of associated perception
creates a distortion of the state of equilibrium of non associated energy, changing
the field to a point of attenuation, to a state of one pointedness within the field of
energy, distorting the unassociated field into a layered continuum of possibilities
and probabilities based on the nature of the distortion intersecting the field. so
existence ravels the unformed continuity into its own state of compressed distortion.
from this is born the collection of field states that lead to particles and charge
potentials that eternally try to relieve the continuous distorting field of
consciousness upon the unlayered continuum.
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