my little trailer in the snow, vibrating with the fan of the tiny heater pulsing away on low wattage setting, the air still cool where im breathing but my feet in two pair of wool socks are warm. i havent succumbed to long johns yet, too bulky for regular life, but they sit nearby for when its necessary. i live on my usual diet of raisin bread toast and peanut butter, coffee, yuban mixed with mexican exspresso drip poured through my tiny broken handled black plastic #2 cone, survivor of too many adventures and travels to remember. i exalt in the whiteness of this christmas morning, clouds already settling in for another round of storms. the variety has been amazing, first the thick wet snowflakes that melt on contact, then as it cools down further the small precise flakes that build up and squeek under your boots like talcum powder, then the thaw after 3 days and the frozen ice and crusted top that breaks sharply with each footstep. the air is alive with the chill and every breath is a reason to wake up and experience this moment. theres no running water in the trailer, so there are frequent trips to the house, a little A-frame ski chalet type sitting on the edge of empty hills covered in snow drifted sage bushes. the 5 thousand plus feet of elevation is dwarfed by the massive eastern sierras across the lake looking west, inundated with snow, the ski lifts at nearby Mt. Rose all in operation, and the distant peaks of Mammoth buried in white snow measured in feet not inches. the world continues everywhere, slipping and sliding getting stuck and staying put for 12 inches on the valley floor wreaks havoc with the excitable christmas shoppers all through reno and carson city. its a winter wonderland and every shade of light and color shifts the granduer and majesty of this natural wonder of mountains and hills and lakes and ranches, dotted with colorful glowing holiday lights and decorations. here its a bit more somber, but the love is within and always pulsing with its own reassuring energy, love for all and everything, acceptance and grace, peace and joy abiding and joined to celebrate within and without this holiest of christmas days.
Hello Tom. Jack here. You know me from the Center St house in Hawaii, a long time ago. I've been living in Bali for the last 28 years. I've been to India 7 times, and 100% salute what you are up to. Good on ya. My email is taksu7@lycos.com