the unbearable beauty of dawn, the flesh toned temptress laying across the distant hills and trees, fingers of fog drifting through the light, veils across the dreaming heart of endless promise. flaunting the darkness once more as fog descends across all. there is nothing but the ghosts remaining, shrouded sentinels of the woods patient in stillness bristling arms striking poses through the grey lens and returning to a half sleep of the night since gone but morning held at arms length, obedient to the encroaching blankets of the windless wanderers. all is the color of the dream, the memory of the plunge into madness and delight, left behind with the crack of the eyelids and fettered with the truth of a world that refuses to awaken. warm inside the unlit palaces of the common laborer, the hampered domain of parents not gone and unforgotten through ages of civility and damnation treading on waters so deep there is no end to the heartless truth of death or life as decay takes everything but the meager remains stacked on every wall and counter and living through every stick of wooden furniture and memoried article of glass and residues of their light left imprinted in the squares of faces and places from times lost and best forgotten but never let go.even the chair and table here is fierce with its remembrances and pain, the china patterned dishes stacked careless with the plastic squares of the modern world, remnants of a lost childhood remain unbroken through a world of timeless traumas and delights, lost in a halo of frightened thoughts less alive than the mind imagines, but striking chords deep in the heart that can never be loosed without the curse revisited. what mother and grandfather, uncles aunts, children and grandchildrens throughout the ever lasting sequence the holding of the collectiveness and the universal of all children becoming all great grandparents until all is one uncollapsed bridge of eternal sighs and recollections that cannot be separated from this moment or this feeling or anyones consciousness caught up in the world vision of every infinitesimal thought impulse need desire every fear and dream all times for all beings from all places in the one thought that cannot be forgotten that is the meaning of every soul bound to this plane of existence, to be to be to be always being in the drowning of the self that has no end to wanting.
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